New Report, Fund & Film Support and Uplift Indigenous California Land Stewards

Gather the Film

We are pleased to introduce a new report published by First Nations Development Institute and co-published by California Foodshed Funders titled, “Recognition and Support of Indigenous California Land Stewards, Practitioners of Kincentric Ecology.”

This report was written to help foundations, food systems leaders and practitioners of agriculture better understand Indigenous approaches to food systems and land management strategies as well as raise awareness of the importance of supporting Native-led organizations, leaders, and communities.

The term kincentric ecology, coined by California State University professor Dr. Enrique Salmon and author of Eating the Landscape and his latest”Iwigara, is defined as “the art of living as a part of a place where the land is a relative and remembers everything that the people have experienced on it.” The report continues, “Because American Indians feel that they come from the place and share in its creation, that the land cares for the people and protects them and models responsible behavior, it is not surprising to understand that Native peoples feel deeply that ‘We are the land. We are our foodscapes.’”

As an organization dedicated to organic and regenerative agriculture, land-based climate change solutions amplification, rural livelihoods and more, galvanizing greater understanding and support for uplifting practitioners and Native leaders of kincentric ecological practices is a top priority for California Foodshed Funders. This importance is adeptly articulated by First Nations Development Institute on the paper’s webpage: 

It is important for regional, national, and international organizations to support Indigenous peoples in their efforts to advance the rights and opportunities of the stewards of biocultural diversity and sustainable land management practices. This will happen only when we begin to know, support, respect, and love the practices that value relationship-based kincentric stewardship as practiced by people for over a millennium. This can start today by acknowledging this deep knowledge, uplifting and advancing this work, supporting Native-led organizations and leaders, and ultimately, reinstating stewardship and ownership of California’s lands to Indigenous peoples.

Download the Report & Watch Gather

We are grateful for our ongoing partnership and collaboration with First Nations Development Institute and encourage you to download the report. In addition, we recommend viewing the newly released film Gather that is now available on iTunes. Gather was co-created with First Nations Development Institute and expertly provides a visual narrative companion to the paper featuring practioners of kincentric ecology.

Support the California Tribal Fund

For those wanting to support First Nations Development Institute’s work, they have just launched the California Tribal Fund to further support Native leaders across our state whose practices, approaches, and relationships are indubitably tied to a more resilient and healthy future for all.

CA Foodshed Funders